Contact Form
The RunContent Contact/Request Form feature allows you to create your own contact forms according to your own specification, not some pre-defined form that was created to serve a broad range of customers. Because of its flexiblilty, this is one of the features that we are most excited about.
The Contact/Request Form allows you to create contact or request forms that suit your specific needs.
Take Control.
- Standard Fields such as: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, County, Phone(s)
- Custom Fields - collect responses from your questions using the following formats: Short Text Box, Long Text Box, Y/N Radio Button, Single Select Drop-down, Multiple Select Drop-down, Single Select Radio Button, Multiple Select Checkboxs
- Field Order and Layout
- Contact Email - define a different email destination for each Contact/Request form
- Download Information - download the data that is collected from the Contact/Request Forms in a tab delimited format for use in other desktop applications.
- Custom Response (option)
- Email Confirmation (option)